The Beginning

Scroll through images above to see pictures from my first week

Mile 11.4

I started the PCT this morning and it was absolutely wonderful. I was so excited and nervous but just felt really ready. The first 3/4 of the day I felt really good, and I met some good people. I ended up hiking with a girl named Colleen for most of the day which was really nice and helped pass the time. She reminds me of Lesley.

The last 1.5 miles or so I started to feel a bit icky, but I think I wasn’t drinking enough water. And I’m wondering if my body is also just totally exhausted. It was a BIG day, and on top of the exercise and exposure, I’m probably also relatively stressed. I had a headache when I got to camp, so I set up my tent and chugged water and then laid down. That definitely helped, and I’ve been trying to keep drinking water. Im not even really that hungry, I’ve only eaten half of my dinner. But I’m trying to force it down. I just really hope I can get some sleep tonight, because I just feel super exhausted.

I feel pretty dejected, feeling very overwhelmed by even the mileage for tomorrow. It’s less than 10 but it’s a big climb the second half of the day. We’ll just have to see what the day brings. Also, I brought a lot of meals, but not enough snacks. Big mistake. Looking forward to getting to Lake Morena tomorrow. Need to make sure I’m taking water breaks and taking my time.

Also, I’m scared to use my bidet. Mostly because I’m nervous I’ll get water on my clothing... we’ll see.

Mile 20.2

Rained this morning as we were packing up and super windy, but luckily after getting lower in elevation it got much better. Stayed around 3400 ft. last night. Then we had a big climb, like maybe 1000-1500 ft. to get up to Lake Morena. Had some awesome trail magic when we got into town from Dr. Doolittle and Sherpa. Coffee and snacks. I’ve discovered I definitley didn’t pack enough snacks, and that I need better meal options. The trail angels gave me some of their homemade dehydrated curry and chili!! So generous, I couldn’t believe it. They are starting the Continental Divide Trail on Thursday.

Today I hiked for maybe 15-30 minutes alone until I stopped to shed a layer and Bridgette caught up with me and we hiked the entire day together. She was also at my campsite last night but I didn’t feel good so we hardly interacted until we went to brush our teeth and discovered we had a similar plan for today. Was so nice to have a hiking buddy. Colleen continued on a few more miles, but me and Bridgette and another girl from Germany named Elena are camping at Lake Morena.

A lot of our stuff is super wet from this morning. It’s super windy now and the sun is kind of peaking out here and there so it’s good to air stuff out. We got here at noon (9.5ish miles for the day, left camp at 7am) but even though there’s time left in the day decided it was important to not push it, and B said the same for her. Glad to have a partner this early on:) also, LOTS of people camped here for the day/night. I’ve felt extremely safe so far.

Mile 32

Great day today ✨ Got intermittent sleep last night, should have gotten up to pee but I was so cold I didn’t even want to leave my tent. Left camp later than planned, around 8:30am with Bridgette and Elena. Poor Elena’s water filter froze last night, so she stuck with us so she’d have a filter. Huck came by around our morning break and brought Elena a filter he had bought her! So sweet and generous. Everyone has really been looking out for each other.

This was our longest day so far, just shy of 12 miles. Camped at mile 32 along a running creek. Hopeful that the white noise will help lull me to sleep. Love the company I’m with and the people we continue to meet.

9.4 to Mount Laguna tomorrow! I’m pretty sore, especially my feet. Our plan is to be hiking by 7:00am tomorrow, so hopefully that’ll help us get into camp a lot earlier. We didn’t get to camp today until 5pm, although we took quite a big break in the morning, probably over an hour.

Sleep now, rest now 😴

Mile 41.5

We had a big day of climbing up to Mount Laguna. It was uphill most of the day, but we did a really good job. I’ve been so proud of us, we’ve made good time and kept our spirits high. The views were amazing too. Some of the best so far.

I majorly started to bonk at the end of the day, which really sucked. I’m still figuring out what I need food-wise, and I think I was way behind on calories. I’ve also had a semi-upset stomach. Honest to god the last half mile I thought I shit my pants... I checked, and luckily I didn’t. But that was a major mental low… lmao.

Being partnered with B has really been getting me through. I’m really grateful we’re traveling together.

One of the best parts of today was when we got to Mount Laguna, I called Auntie Liz to ask if we could stay at their house for the night in Pine Valley where they live about 20 minutes away, and she said yes! So me, Bridgette, Elena, and Huck all stayed the night. Uncle Richard picked us up in his truck and drove us back to Pine Valley, it was so fun. We got to do a small amount of laundry, charge our devices, dry our tents and ground cloths, and Uncle Richard even got us all pizza! It was amazing. They truly are incredible and I’m so grateful. They’re officially trail angels now! Uncle Richard said Liz’s trail name should be “Mother Hen”. They took such good care of us, we all felt so loved.

Mile 56.2

WOW. Best day on trail so far. It was super long because we ended up needing to do 14 miles to get out of a no-camping zone, but holy smokes the views were probably some of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. We saw the San Jacinto Mountains for the first time, and they are COVERED in snow. It was exciting and daunting all at once.

I started to get a little mentally frustrated right before lunchtime, because we ran into a woman (who was incredibly sweet and kind, and I’m very glad we met her) but she walked slower than I liked and we really needed to make better time. We ended up making it fine because the last mile and a half or so I just kind of put my head down and booked it.

We ran into Elena and Huck at the picnic area for lunch which was a nice surprise; we thought we wouldn’t see them until Julian (mile 77.3).

The last part of the day after lunch was my favorite. We thought we were going to be slogging through 4 more miles, but instead we were welcomed by the most beautiful views I’ve ever seen. It was truly spectacular.

I got emotional a few times, but particularly in one area that had a large drop off and a view of several mountain ranges. There was a memorial of sorts with pictures and name plaques of people who had passed. I’m not sure the story of each of them, if they all have something in common or what, but it was incredibly moving and made me really appreciate how blessed I am to be walking, to be in pain, to feel each rock I step on.

Mile 68.2

Big day today. We ended up needing to do 14 miles yesterday to get out of Cleveland National Forest, and then another 12 miles today. We’re super pooped. Bridgette had wanted to do only 7.5 today since we did so much yesterday, but once we realized there wasn’t enough water sources we changed our plan. We ended up carrying five liters each (SO heavy) about 4.5 miles to the campsite we’re at now, around mile 68. We have 9 to do tomorrow, which feels like a lot still. I wish it was only 8.... my spirits are relatively high though.

One of my highlights from today was getting three bars of service while walking along a ridge!! It was such a treat, I called some people to catch up. It was so fun talking to everyone and it made the miles go by so fast.

My back is pretty sore today for the first time, and I think it’s from carrying so much water. Hopefully tonight’s rest will be good, and since tomorrow is a shorter day with less water to carry, it’ll be better. I’ll only be carrying 2.5 liters tomorrow. Much better.

The views make all the pain worth it. It’s magnificent out here. Every time I turn a corner there’s a better view, it’s breathtaking.

Mile 77.3

Tough day today. After hiking 14 miles two days ago, and hiking 12 yesterday (with a 4 mile, 5-liter water carry), we had a final 9 miles to get us to Scissors Crossing, which would take us into Julian, CA. I struggled with the heat today as we descended to the valley floor. Bridgette was booking it and really doing well and in her element (she’s from Phoenix). I felt hot and tired and beat. I tried to keep my spirits up, and listened to music when I needed to pass the time easier.

I ended up running into a man named Jason right after I had seen my first rattlesnake of the trail! We bonded as I showed him the video, and then we continued walking until we ran back into Bridgette. The 3 of us walked all the way to Scissors Crossing together and then hitched into Julian with a trail angel named Keira.

Julian was awesome but definitely felt strange to be in such a bustling place with all of these clean people. We had lunch at the Miner’s Diner (burger and fries and soda), then hit up the gear shop for a few small items before resupplying at the corner market. I’m finding resupplying to be a bit stressful, and expensive...

We tried to catch a hitch to Stagecoach RV Park where we’re staying for two nights, but were having trouble until another trail angel named Rangel drove by and saw us. Apparently he shuttles PCT hikers all day long between Julian, Scissors, and Stagecoach! It was awesome to meet him.

At Stagecoach we have a small two-bed covered wagon-style accommodation. We ended up meeting tons of other female PCT hikers here which was super awesome. I even found out that one of them is from Duluth! Small world for real. Her name is Jody (trail name Patch).

At the end of the day I took a shower and put on all clean clothes - magic.


Family Ties


Blog #4: Gear for the PCT